US National Open Championship Application Form
The CASI US National Open Championship should be a high-profile prestigious event drawing
the attention of the public and media and one that will bring positive exposure for CASI and the
cookoff charity. Refer to CASI Rule Book: Page 13, Rule VI.B.3
Name of Proposed USNO: _______________________________________________
Location of Proposed USNO: ______________________________________________
Date of Open: ____________________ Charity: _____________________________
CASI Pod that is endorsing the USNO: ______________________________________
Detail the past experience of the event: _____________________________________
Has the charity expressed a willingness to help promote the event? How?
Who will be your primary major sponsors? _________________________________
Who will be your media partners? __________________________________________
Will you offer TICC expense money to the Champion(s)? How much ? ____________
What other events are associated with the chili cookoff? Entertainment?
Who is the primary decision maker(s) for the event? Are you incorporated?
Does the organizing body have liability insurance? Can CASI be listed as an additional insured on the liability insurance?
Have your reviewed the CASI rules pertaining to a National Open? __________
(CASI rulebook, Page 13, VI.B.3 National Open Championships)
Do you understand the CASI requirements for an International Open? ____________
Please list any other details about the event that you would like the Championship Event Committee to consider: (additional sheets may be attached)
Application submitted by: ________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________ Phone: ________________________
Email Form to: CASI Executive Director at: [email protected]
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